Pediatric Echo Report Template

Digisonics CVIS Provides a More Efficient Pediatric Workflow

The Digisonics Cardiovascular Information System provides a comprehensive solution for image review and structured reporting of pediatric studies.

Automated Data Transmission from Ultrasound Machines, Hemodynamics Systems
Eliminate redundant data entry, ensure reporting accuracy and improve turnaround times. Patient demographics, measurements and hemodynamic data can all be imported directly from the modality into the report.

Congenital Cardiology Diagram AnnotationDigisonics has the most extensive library of Mullins congenital diagrams available (over 300), with many provided exclusively to Digisonics by Dr. Charles Mullins himself. Congenital cardiology diagrams may be modified using drawing tools and drop-down labels with autopopulation of pressures and measurements from hemodynamics systems. The edited diagrams can be saved as well as embedded directly in the report and used in consultations.

Trend Plots with Pediatric and Fetal Z-scores
Digisonics offers Z-scores (such as Boston Children’s Hospital) for the pediatric package. Users can plot measurements over time in order to track therapy or disease progression. These trend plots can be embedded directly in the report.

The Most Comprehensive Measurements/Calculations Package
Digisonics offers a robust package of 3,000+ 2D, 3D, M-mode, Doppler, Strain, and Tissue Doppler measurements/calculations for echo studies. On-screen calculations can also be performed at the workstation and the results automatically updated in the report and database. Advanced image analysis applications including TomTec, QLAB, EchoPAC and Pie can be launched directly from Digisonics for streamlined interoperability.

ACC IMPACT Registry Database Integration
Digisonics offers submission to the ACC IMPACT Registry Database for adult and pediatric patients with congenital heart disease undergoing diagnostic catheterization and catheter-based interventions.

Standards-based Structured Reporting
Users can setup customized summary comments and macros, enabling them to quickly document their findings in a concise, structured pediatric report. Report layouts are highly configurable to user preferences.

Assistance around ECHO replication and implementation and curriculum development. To date, the AAP ECHO superhub has trained over 40 organization, supported dos zens of pediatric ECHO programs, and assisted organizations with the centralization of ECHO efforts within academic institutions, country health systems, and state programs. In the Fall of '19 we began working to focus our clinics on timely topics in pediatric health care and less about preselected specialities. If you have any topic requests please contact Deidre Keefe at 315-464-7861 or by email at Sep 11, 2020 This ECHO clinic will facilitate collaboration between pediatric endocrinology and primary care providers throughout the state to improve early diagnosis of diabetes, support management of patients with diabetes, and increase prevention of obesity and Type 2 diabetes.

Assistance around ECHO replication and implementation and curriculum development. To date, the AAP ECHO superhub has trained over 40 organization, supported dos zens of pediatric ECHO programs, and assisted organizations with the centralization of ECHO efforts within academic institutions, country health systems, and state programs. For Echo CHD exam. Echocardiography in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease: From Fetus to Adult by Wyman Lai, Luc Mertens, Meryl Cohen, and Tal Geva (2009) Echocardiography in Pediatric and Adult Congenital Heart Disease by Benjamin W. Eidem, Frank Cetta, and Patrick W.


Pediatric study types include:

  • Pediatric/Congenital Echo
  • Pediatric TEE (transesophageal echo)
  • Pediatric Cath
  • Pediatric MR
  • Fetal Echo

Normal (Young patient)

Normal left ventricular size and systolic function (EF 60 %). Normal diastolic function
Normal right ventricular size and systolic function
Normal valve structure and function

Normal (Elderly patient)

Normal left ventricular size and systolic function (EF 60 %)
Normal right ventricular size and systolic function
Sclerodegenerative valve disease with normal function

CAD with RWMA:

Normal left ventricular size with preserved systolic function (EF 60 %). Regional wall motion abnormalities are suggestive of coronary artery disease
Normal right ventricular size and systolic function
Sclerodegenerative valve disease with normal function

Hypertensive patient with LVH:

Mild concentric left ventricular hypertrophy with normal cavity size and preserved systolic function (EF 60 %)
Normal right ventricular size and systolic function
Sclerodegenerative valve disease with normal function

Dilated cardiomyopathy:

Mildly dilated left ventricle with *** reduced systolic function. Regional wall motion abnormalities are suggestive of coronary artery disease OR Mild global hypokinesis of the left ventricle
Mildly dilated right ventricle with mildly reduced systolic function
Mild secondary mitral regurgitation due to inadequate leaflet coaptation related to papillary muscle dysfunction and dilated mitral annulus
Grade II diastolic dysfunction with elevated left atrial filling pressure
Biatrial enlargement
Elevated right ventricular systolic pressure suggestive of *** pulmonary hypertension

RVSP to mPAP Calculator:

Commonly Used Conclusions:

– The images from the prior study dated *** were reviewed. There is no significant change

– The prior report dated *** was reviewed. Compared to the prior study, there is no significant change

-The prior report dated *** was reviewed. Compared to the prior study, …….. is newly noted.

– Sclerodegenerative valve disease with mild mitral regurgitation

– Sclerodegenerative valve disease with mild aortic stenosis

– Sclerodegenerative valve disease with trivial aortic regurgitation

– Mild tricuspid regurgitation with mild pulmonary hypertension

– Mildly dilated right ventricle with normal systolic function

– Severely calcified aortic valve with *** aortic stenosis (AVA *** cm2, mean gradient *** mmHg, dimensionless index ***)

– Inadequate tricuspid leaflet coaptation resulting in *** tricuspid regurgitation

– Well-seated bioprosthetic/mechanical valve in the *** position with normal function

– Mildly dilated ascending aorta

Pediatric Echo Report Template 2017

Commonly Used Summary Statements:

– Indeterminate diastolic function

– Mild mitral annular calcification

– Inadequate tricuspid regurgitation jet to estimate right ventricular systolic pressure.

Pediatric Echo Report Template

– Right ventricular systolic pressure could be underestimated

Pediatric Echo Book


– Diastolic dysfunction is likely present, however, the grade cannot be determined due to atrial fibrillation/ significant mitral annular calcification/ significant mitral regurgitation.

– Focal basal inferior wall motion abnormality of unclear clinical significance

Pediatric Echo Report Template Download

– Elevated pulmonary artery end-diastolic pressure suggestive of elevated left atrial pressure

Pediatric Echo Report Template Free

Pediatric Echo Report Template

Pediatric Echo Training

– No evidence of inter-atrial shunt on agitated saline study