Skipping Non Regular File Rsync Symlink

SYMBOLIC LINKS Three basic behaviors are possible when rsync encounters a symbolic link in the source directory. By default, symbolic links are not transferred at all. A message 'skipping non-regular' file is emitted for any symlinks that exist. If -links is specified, then symlinks are recreated with the same target on the destination.

The UI makes it easy to specify entire subfolders to sync to the right or left or exclude temporarily. FreeFileSync is a C app cross-platform for Win, Mac and Linux. It loads huge directories (100,000+ files) easily. Tip: to sync a tree of symlinks, set 'Symbolic Link Handling' to 'Follow' under the 'Compare' gear-icon. As stated in rsync's man page, the -a (archive) switch is equivalent to -rlptgoD. However, I have a situation where I don't want symbolic links retained. Is there any way to keep using the -a switch and prevent copying of symbolic links? I could write -rptgoD every time, but it's a bit long. According to the man page, rsync should copy 'special' and 'device' files if the corresponding options are set. Also the man page says that the -a option (-archive) includes the -D option, which is 'same as -devices and -specials'. BUT We use the -a option, and still get the following in our report: skipping non-regular file 'pristine/dev/full'. E, -rsh=COMMAND specify the remote shell to use -rsync-path=PROGRAM specify the rsync to run on remote machine -existing skip creating new files on receiver -ignore-existing skip updating files that exist on receiver -remove-source-files sender removes synchronized files (non-dir) -del an alias for -delete-during -delete delete extraneous files from dest dirs -delete-before receiver.

Package: rsync;Maintainer for rsync is Paul Slootman <>; Source for rsync is src:rsync (PTS, buildd, popcon).

Reported by: Bastian Blank <>

Does rsync overwrite files

Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2017 11:39:01 UTC

Rsync Do Not Overwrite

Severity: normal

Found in version rsync/3.1.2-2

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Report forwardedto, Paul Slootman <>:
Bug#869280; Package rsync. (Sat, 22 Jul 2017 11:39:03 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Rsync hardlink

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New Bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to Paul Slootman <>. (Sat, 22 Jul 2017 11:39:04 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Does Rsync Overwrite Files

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To: Debian Bug Tracking System <>
Subject: rsync -- --info=skip0 does not disable message: skipping non-regular file

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Debian bug tracking system administrator <>.Last modified:Sun Dec 13 17:29:35 2020; Machine Name:buxtehudeSkipping Non Regular File Rsync Symlink

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